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Z-Ray Pathfinder C-II 350 2-Person Inflatable Kayak

Product Details

NMMA CERTIFIED, The Pathfinder Kayak adheres to the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) standards which are more comprehensive than the US Coast Guard Requirements LIGHTWEIGHT, COMPACT and PORTABLE, The Pathfinder Kayak is 138" x 32" x 25" and weighs 36 lbs easily fitting into the included backpack MADE FOR LAKES and RIVERS, The pathfinder is made for smaller bodies of water including lakes and moderate white water rivers STRONG and DURABLE, Made of heavy duty, puncture resistant, laminated PVC for long term durability. Weight capacity: 330lbs INCLUDED ITEMS: Kayak, hand pump, 2 double-ended paddles, backpack and repair patch

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